# Player VS CPU tic-tac-toe
* Human VS CPU
* aims to start experimenting with lowtech UI
* stateless
* no wallet required
Reusing moul's tic-tac-toe logic.
(\ Thanks for the wing!
( \ /(o)\ Thanks for the wing!
( \/ ()/ /) Raaarch! *Whistle*
( `;.))'".)
// PjP/ejm
## Principle
* `path` for Render is like `board=-X---O---&move=a2`
* no javascript,
* only gnoweb markdown.
## How the hell did Cap'n Cluck learn to play?
I, Cap'n Cluck, had to learn from the most cunning and crafty of creatures – humans! I observed those barnacle-brained bilge-rats engaged in their most awesome game o' strategies, tic-tac-toe.
Through earhole-peepin', I picked up the patterns and strategies. I honed me beak on pieces o' eight, developin' a near-nautical sense o' spatial relationships! Aarrr, soon enough, I, Cap'n Cluck, became a veritable menace, matchin' wits with any landlubber brave enough to engage in a spot o' tic-tac-toe!